First off, today is Chloe's 17 month birthday AND 4 months since we returned home with Chloe...what a big girl she is becoming, and how far she has come since we've had her home!! I love her so very much
Ok so this not having my laptop for two weeks is really starting to get to me, i have found myself totally wandering around my room aimlessly each night trying to find something to fill the void in my life, and thus far i have watched about 10+ episodes of Law & Order:SVU and exactly 2 episodes of the Tyra Banks show each night for the past 10 days just trying to ease the no laptop pain =( NOT EASY! Seriously, after having a laptop with wireless internet for over a year now i honestly do not think i could live long without it, after the two weeks is up im probably going to be seeking some CAA meetings (Computer Addicts Anon.) to help me with this obsession, many hours of therapy WILL be needed. Ok just needed to vent a little...now as soon as i get my laptop back (im on my aunts now) I will probably be posting numerious times a day so look forward to that hopefully by the end of this week. Now on to pics of miss Chloe!