Staci tagged me, I have to write 7 things that few people know about me, or a few bloggy people know..hehe. Sounds like a good thing to do before I turn this computer off for good for the next 4 days, so here goes...
1. I started modeling when I was 5 years old. By the time I turned 12 i had been in 2 commercials, 4 dancewear catalogs, and countless fashion shows. It was my first job and yep i got paid for it too! =)

Me at age 7 doing a fashion show
2. I am terrified of octopusus. OMG scares the daylights out of me, always has. When i was little I never wanted to go in an aquarium (and still wont) i am petrified. But only of real ones, most stuffed ones are ok.
No picture for this one...EEK!
3. I LOVE rainbows. Ever since i can remember ive been facinated with them, probably because of all the colors. They make me happy! When i was little i used to collect greeting cards with rainbows on them, any card that had a rainbow on it i wanted!

So pretty!
4. My Great Grandpa owned a zoo. My Nana grew up in a zoo (literally), her dad owned a county zoo and i used to go there a lot when i was little to feed the deer and all other animals. he had all kinds of animals from bears to tigers, llamas (my fav!), peacocks, and everything else imaginable! I think i was around 8 when he sold all his animals but I still remember a lot about it.
Me feeding a baby deer on Halloween when i was 2
5. I hate the taste of anything with grape artificial flavoring. YUCK! Its weird because I like grapes/ most grape juice and my favorite color is purple but theres somthing about grape suckers that remind me of cough syrup *gag*. I used to tell people i was allergic to it just so they wouldnt give me a grape lollipop or candy.

6. My absolute favorite song is Beauty in the Breakdown by The Scene Aesthetic. If you haven't ever listened to it, you need to! I just love it and I love their music also.
Great CD!!
7. I love Chloe Madison Xian more than anything in this world. She is everything to me, and has taught me the real meaning of true love. I cant imagine life without her. I feel like shes saved me somehow. Shes my little love bunny and I thank God everyday for her!

Now I tag anyone who wants to join in the fun!
Finally, this will be the last post until Tuesday. I will definetly have LOTS of pics to share with you all about Chloe's first beach trip and since tomorrow is 5 months since Chloe day, I will take her picture before we head out and will post it first thing when I get settled back home. I hope you all have a good weekend.