And she's TWO!
Sorry for the lack of posting in the past few months...things have been crazy hectic and not in a good way and i promise i will catch up on the last few months in a couple of days and post plenty of pics but for now I want to do a special post because tomorrow my sweet asian princess turns TWO.
With this milestone comes so many mixed emotions for me. I was talking to my best friend Cady on the phone last night and I was telling her about how I wonder if Chloe's birthmother is thinking of her at this very moment and if she ever thinks about the child she gave up on this date two years ago? There is just so many unanswered questions i have that i can't even put into words that just seem to come to life on this day. I just wish I could see her birthmother and thank her for this precious child just to let her know how Chloe is loved by so many people and how much joy she has brought into my life. Its bittersweet. Cady was listening to this amazing song the other day while on the phone with me called Boats and Birds by Gregory and the Hawks. The lyrics of this song seem to speak to me and remind me of Chloe's birthmother and the emotions she might have had on that day two years ago. The feelings that I can't put into words seem to be in this song. Turn your speakers up and listen to this amazing song I promise you it will make your heart smile. here's the lyrics also in case your interested.....
Boats and Birds by Gregory and the Hawks.
If you'll be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when I turn jet black and you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by
If you'll be my boat
I'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free
I live to make you free
But you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon till I can't even see you
far from here where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by
If you'll be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when I turn jet black and you show off your light
I live to let you shine
I live to let you shine
But you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by
stardust to remember you by.
That song is dedicated to Chloe's birthmother on this special day. I hope somehow she finds peace in her heart.
Tomorrow Cady and I are taking Chloe some fun places for her birthday then we are having a family party later that evening. Chloe's party isin't until saturday and of course its an ELMO party so look for pictures =). For now I leave you with a few recent pictures of the birthday girl who continues to be my shining star each and every day.

Chloe's two favorite things...Elmo and a horse hehe.
Riding the golf cart on Thanksgiving =]
Happy Happy Birthday to your darling little sister. I've been checking for an update and hoping you would post for her birthday. She has gotten so big! Best wishes to all of you. Dale - forever waiting............
Aww this song has me in tears! I love it! Thanks for updating! I have missed reading about your sweet mei mei. Miss Chloe looks so much older! Gracie just recently celebrated her 2nd birthday last week too. And Gracie is indeed a big Elmo fan too. I hope Chloe has a great birthday! She is so beautiful. 1st birthdays with forever familys are definetly special ones.
Wow! Happy 2nd Birthday Chloe! The time has gone so fast! Chloe is looking so big! No more baby Chloe!
Beautiful, beautiful song and so perfect.
I can't believe how time has gone by so quickly. You both have grown up and continue to get more and more lovely.
Happy Birthday sweet Chloe!
And the happiest of holidays to your family. Our family days our closing in on us and I will never forget meeting not only Lana but you and the many other blogger peeps.
Happy Birthday to Chloe!!!
Hope she has a so fun day, She has grown so much in the past months. She's as cute as always.
That song is nice :)
Happy Birthday Chloe! Oh what a beautiful little girl you are!
Thanks for the update Lindsey. Have missed hearing how things are but understand completely how busy life can get and blogging just has to take a step down.
Hope you had a great party with your sweetie!
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