Yep today marks the third month since we first held Chloe and became a family of 4! It seems like she's been here forever, but at the same time it doesnt feel like it's been 3 months since we first got to hold her and call her our's officially. Chloe has changed so much since that day, and has just blossomed and is such a happy little girl with a big personality that will leave you laughing, she is quite the comedian! As each day passes and Chloe changes more and more, that day in December is still close in mind for me as i remember the reserved solumn little baby who now can't keep a straight face if she tried, she just loves life!
March 18, 2007
February 18, 2007
January 18, 2007

December 18, 2006
Happy 3 months!! She has such a sweet, big smile!!!
I can't believe how much Chloe has changed since she has become a part of your family. I love the outfit,on the March 18th pic(have to, since I gave it to her) HE HE. We went to Winter Jam Sunday night in Charlotte. When Steven Curtis Chapman was talking about the China Babies, I could help but to think about Chloe and all of you. It made me cry to think that the China babies are so precious and he said that one care taker could take care of 80 babies according to the laws in China. That is so sad, and that the babies cry until they realize that no one is coming to hold them. And they cry until they fall asleep. You could see their solemn faces, because they didn't know the love of a mother and daddy and big sister. I am so happy for Chloe that God gave you the desire to go to China and get her. She deserves the love that your whole family will give her.
What a happy little girl you have there! She makes us smile just by looking at her! You're a great big sis Lindsey and I know God is using you in mighty ways in little CM's life! Have fun friend!
Happy 3 month Gotcha! Its crazy that it was 3 months ago that we met you at the White Swan, It does not seem that long ago since we were in China! Chloe is such a pretty little girl! I love how you take a picture of her on each gotcha anniversary, You can see how much she changes by the month! Love that little pink outfit!!
~Staci and Sarah Lu
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