Last Sunday, Chloe was dedicated at our church along with about 7 other babies ( 2 of which are twin boys!) needless to say, Chloe will have many playmates at the church to grow up with! Baby dedication is where parents and other family members promise to raise their child with the Christian beliefs, the babies each get a little bible at the end of the service. Miss. Chloe Madison had on her beautiful white silk Chinese dress on and if i say so myself looked precious!!

during the dedication (Chloe got a little

Chloe was ready to grab her bible and sit down

Precious girl!
Later that night, one of my best friends Mary had a little "no more chemo" party! It was just a time to celebrate this momentious time, when after 2 years, Mary is officially cancer free and finished with chemo =). Of couse Chloe Madison wanted to go and show Mary how much she loved her and of course I took pictures..LOL.

I LOVE this picture of us..its the first picture of all 3 of us =)

My 2 favorite redheads Carlie (in pink) and Catherine (in blue..Marys sister)